VEMP testing and hearing disorders
VEMP testing helps evaluate whether certain vestibular organs and associated nerves are functioning normally. Responses in this test are measured from different muscles in the neck and around the eyes.
VEMP testing uses adhesive, skin surface electrodes (like ENG or some rotational tests) and earphones (like those used during a hearing test). High intensity sound given through the earphones, the vestibular organs are stimulated and activate muscle responses, and electrodes record the results.
Deep inside the ear, positioned just under the brain, is the inner ear. While one part of the inner ear enables hearing, another part, called the vestibular system (balance system) is designed to send information about the position of the head to the brain’s movement control centre, the cerebellum.
Your balance system helps you stand, walk, run, and move without falling and balance yourself to hold you in a position. To maintain orientation or balance , your eyes ( visual), inner ear, and skeletal system (muscles, joints and their sensors) work together. These signals help you stay balanced. This system of signals is your vestibular system.